Sunday, November 20, 2011

Audiovisual Internet

While browsing for some new topics I ran into quite a few articles about the internet.  One of those that really caught my eye was concerning Dreamworks, and their idea of animating the internet.   Now, when I first read about that, I thought, how on earth are they going to manage that? It seems like such a grand scaled idea, one that would take a major remodeling of the way we use the internet.

It may be that my thoughts were too complicated, which often happens, or that they were... no, I'm just going to go with they were too complicated.  The plan that Dreamworks has, at least how they explained it, seemed very simple, or on a smaller scale than I had imagined.  The fact that text makes things like this blog, email, and other communications so simple and easy will make them very hard to replace.  Dreamworks says that they have their sights set more on social media than a complete reworking of the internet as we know it.  Focusing on making given graphics better, and possibly enhancing the way Youtube works are some theories as to what this technology will be used for.

As a kinesthetic learner, I fully support audiovisual learning and interactions, especially since I'm pretty sure there will never be a day when I can physically handle all of the aspects of the internet.  Given that this project, though  fairly far along, is still in the testing stages, I am very curious to see how it turns out, and what effect it will have on our everyday lives.  Will everything become video?  Will online-shopping become more interactive?  Is this the first step towards the holographic communications we see in and movies such as Star Wars?  Personally, I think that would be kind of awesome, but we'll see where we go from here.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Activism and the Internet

Recently there have been a lot of political upheaval, riots, demonstrations and the like all over the world.  Some of these events are still attracting followers, people who have hear about the even online or from friends.  As this brief article points out, being so connected on the web has allowed us to communicate in ways we never would have dreamed of before.

The internet is putting more power into the hands of the people, but in a very unique way.  People are able to communicate faster, come together quicker, and start movements like no one has seen.  However, and correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't heard about a single real-world problem that effects hundreds or thousands of people being solved on the internet.

People no longer have to really stand up for a cause to support it.  If they hear about something that they like or agree with they can just tweet about it, or post something on Facebook, and that will spread the word.  This access makes it a lot easier or the general population to get the ball rolling about an issue, but it hasn't seemed to make any difference in bringing these issues to a close.  This being said, I'm wondering if it is such an improvement to be able to be so involved in activism through a virtual world, ie. the internet.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Must Everything Be a Touch Screen?

Research is being done to make any surface a touch screen.  This is a big advancement in technology today, seeing that so much of current technology is dependent on the touch screen.  Being able to make any surface one that can be used for the communication that comes with touch screen technology would greatly increase the amount of virtual contact that we can have with one another.

While I personally don't see why it would be an improvement to be able to make my shirt a touch screen, I do recognize that this technology would release us from the limits of a physical, stationary type of screen.  We can make the world around us can be digital like we have never imagined, and all it takes is a couple of wires.  That is, it takes a couple of wires at this point.  The research teams are working on making this technology small enough to fit in a chip.  This technology is in the beginning stages, or at least, this application for the technology is in its beginning stages.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Instant Gratification vs Education

Today's society, at least in the United States, is based on instant gratification.  Everything we search for, we expect to be right at our finger tips.  Spending an extended amount of time on one project or problem, or an extended process is considered to be a waste of time and energy.

How then does education fit into this picture?  Getting a good education is a process, and a lengthy one at that.

Given those qualifications, one would think that we would have found a substitute for it, one that takes less time and is therefore more efficient.  However, because there is no instant education, I think the lesson in that is that not everything must be instantaneous.  Sometimes the variable that determines whether something is of quality or not is time.  Being quite familiar with procrastination, I can speak towards this as being true.  The quality of the work I do is much better when I start early and take my time.  Most people will say the same thing. Some, of course, will argue the opposite, saying that they work better under pressure.  Being the child of two teacher, believe me, it is obvious when an assignment has been saved for the last minute versus one that has been worked on and edited and then edited again.  The difference shows in the quality.

Education is a similar situation.  It is simply not possible to learn everything that you need to know in one go.  Learning takes practice.  Yes it is possible to know how to do something without really knowing it.  Being able to apply the things that you have learned is what is going to matter in the long run.  Living in a society where education is one of the few things that does not come instantly brings up the question of the quality of our education.  People aren't willing to spend the time, and therefore are not able to go as in depth as a good education requires.

When looking at education in America in particular, I believe that part of our problem is the instant gratification around us.  We expect to be taught something once and then fully understand and be able to apply it, and that is not the case.  Learning and having knowledge, or wisdom even, is a process, and is one that requires trial and error before mastery can be accomplished.